Mental Health Funding by Sales Tax – An Idea for Your Area?


A recent article describing how a local sales tax in King County Washington came across the desk today. These local taxes have real benefits in a political economy where funding for mental health services are often first on the chopping block. The benefits are clear. Although the money is raised locally, not all commerce comes from your own citizens, so there is the opportunity to reap a financial benefit from the purchases of non-residents as well. Local jurisdictions can decide to implement the tax, and their decision to do so improves the overall health of the area, leading to more economic growth, happier citizens, and fewer problems caused by service shortages. The money raised in the County (or city) stays there, benefiting both the residents who consume the services and the providers who have chosen to do business there.

Missouri has several counties in which this type of tax has been passed, and the results have been exemplary, in terms of expanded care, new programs, and increased accessibility from the funding of new locations. We have extensive experience working with these types of tax initiatives and would be happy to discuss the logistics with any interested individuals or groups.

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